Monday, June 04, 2007

It was all a hoax but be a donor anyhow.

Jazz has let me know that the infamous reality show "Big Donor" was a hoax. Certainly it was in very bad taste, but in a strange perverted way they did draw attention to the fact that donors are in short supply. As strange as it may seem, people are still hesitant at giving up the parts that they no longer need. Hey, when your dead, you're dead and you no longer need kidneys, eyes, heart, lungs, liver and anything else that may be useful.
I have had my little signed card in my wallet for years saying that they can take anything they want from my dead carcass if it can help someone. It's not as if I was going to miss it. I've also told my family that that is what I want. (Mind you being dead doesn't really give me much of a say and since I don't believe in an afterlife it's rather hard to come back and haunt them.)
So people if you haven't yet done it, sign a donor consent card (in Québec there is a sticker to sign and stick on the back of your medicare card) and tell your family that you wish to help someone after you're gone.
Here are some sites for different parts of Canada.
British Columbia,
Government of Canada site (contains the telephone numbers to become a donor for each province)


Evil Spock said...

God, I'm glad that it was a hoax, though the hoax itself was in poor taste.

I haven't signed my donor card yet, only because I'm afraid I've resigned myself to dying one day. I need to stop living in a fantasy world.

Jazz said...

As far as I'm concerned they can take what they want and the rest is going to a medical school for some kids to dissect.