Monday, February 05, 2007

Hérouxville Redux

Well the bigot does it again. André Drouin, the author of the defamatory declaration from the village council of Hérouxville has opened his mouth on television and proved to everyone that he is the village idiot*. He actually demanded that the prime minister declare a state of emergency, like the one declared in 1970 by Prime Minister Trudeau (the War Measures Act), to protect our** culture, abrogate all accommodations, reasonable or otherwise, and make sure the immigrants toe the line.
Help, help, the big bad immigrants are going to burn our houses and women, stone us and forcibly convert us to Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism or (insert your religion here). Quick, barricade the doors and windows and call out the army. We must absolutely put them back in their place, after all, if they are refugees from a war it has to be because of their culture. (Yes, he did say that.)
This just goes that every village has its moron*. He, unfortunately, was elected and was provided with a public forum. Hopefully the legal proceedings that have been brought against him under the Charter of Human Rights will finally shut him up, cuz I'm very tired of having my good name sullied by his ignorant, bigoted ideas.

* I mean this in a generic way, I, in no way, wish to insult people who are suffering from a handicap. They are way more tolerant and much less mean-spirited than this bozo.

**I say again, his culture sure as H*LL ain't my culture. I'm ashamed to have him as a fellow citizen. Maybe we should deport him.


Anonymous said...

I like this idea : " maybe we should deport him"... I think however that we MUST deport this idiot! I can't believe that nowadays there are people so close- minded!

Jazz said...

Personally, I think people should be forcibly converted to my own religion: Atheism. The world might become a slightly more tolerant place then.