Monday, May 14, 2007

The Great Shredded Wheat Mystery Solved.

Been away with the my students to Washington last week. Long days, short nights, not 20 years old anymore, kind of says it all. The students had fun and I think they learned something, they'd never seen Washington. That's what is important, me, well let's say I've been there 6 times. It's getting kind of old. We'll have to find a new city next year.
As for the Shredded Wheat Mystery, I think I've solved the riddle. The stores and the company were getting rid of the last of the old packaging. You know the squat square box where the wheat paddies lay flat, three by three. Now the wheat paddies are still three by three but piled edgewise so the box looks more like a conventional cereal box. I guess it takes up less room, or something. Still think that they should have kept the old model box, it made them stand out from the crowd.

Old Box

New Box


Jazz said...

Well done Sherlock.

Ian Lidster said...

Next you'll be telling me they're putting Grape Nuts (as Seinfeld said: "Are they grapes? Are they nuts?") and Cream of Wheat in great big boxes. Is nothing sacred?

Jay said...

I'm glad you solved the myster. We'll all sleep better tonight :)

choochoo said...

How's about bringing the kids to Hellhole? You can observe that tractor that's always driving around at night, covered in x-mas tree lights.

Big Brother said...

Choochoo: Sounds good I'll have to look into it with my colleagues. Hellhole here we come.