Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Day

As well as celebrating my birthday tomorrow, it is also time to celebrate our mother earth. This picture, taken by Apollo 16, illustrates the beauty and fragility of our small blue planet. Let's take care of her, since this small blue ball is the only one we have.

Photo courtesy of NASA.


Voyager said...

She is a beautiful blue globe in the heavens.
I was so moved by your photos of the concentration camp. I have never been there, but I have been to the haulocast memorial museum in Jerusalem, where I sat and cried from the images of misery, death, and evil.

geewits said...

So like me, your birthday is next to (or sometimes on) Earth Day? I've always been an Earth lover and I've always loved that photo of our precious blue jewel. I look at the APOD photos every day and when there is a space shuttle photo, I'm usually more interested in any pictures of Earth in the background as opposed to some new structure on the space station.

Happy Birthday!
Happy Earth Day!

Jazz said...

Ya know, it seems if humanity leaves today and forever, it'll recuperate withing 400-500 years or so?

Dr. Deb said...

Happy Earthday Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Did you ever see the children's show Big Blue Marble?
"The earth’s a Big Blue Marble when you see it from out there.
The sun and moon declare
our beauty’s very rare."

A very happy birthday to you!

Big Brother said...

Thank you all for you b'day wishes.