Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Politicians and lack of "savoir-vivre"

Last night they had the leaders debate for the upcoming provincial election. While I am not a great fan of politicians and do not expect much from them, I do expect them to have a little bit of "savoir vivre". Last night however one of them, Mario Dumont, brought politics to a new low. Last fall, as you probably know, an overpass near here collapsed killing five people. Last night "Super Mario" came out with a government memorandum about the overpass that seemed to show that there had been problems before the collapse. He used this terrible tragedy to score political points off his adversaries. Hey guy, PEOPLE DIED IN THAT COLLAPSE! You don't use people's tragedy for political gain. It's worse that bad taste, it's just plain ghoulish.
Mario should be ashamed of himself, but knowing politicians I'm sure that he and his advisors are all patting themselves on the back for their coup. (I'm kind of surprised , in a way, that he didn't come into the studio with a piece of bloody concrete along with the memo.) And they wonder why people don't vote or why politicians have such a bad reputation.


Jazz said...

Um, BB, he's a politician, what can you expect?

Actually, cynical though I might be, I was surprised how quickly this campaign degenerated into mud slinging. None of them are talking about their own platforms, it's all been about how evil the other guy is.

This time, there is seriously no one I can vote for. There isn't even anyone I can vote against because there is no lesser evil.

I'm going to have to vote for all of them.

Jazz said...

I'm thinking of scrawling "Tous des imbéciles" across my ballot in bright red Sharpie.

Ian Lidster said...

Yep, that runs pretty close to vile. Glad somebody is keeping up the oily reputations of politicians everywhere.


choochoo said...

Hmmmmm... That drawing makes him look as though he should have someone's hand up his behind.

Like in the song with that band that goes little-hand-puppet-man-tra-la-lallaaaaa?

Hageltoast said...

Politicians, we should out them all out of our misery.

Big Brother said...

What is frightening is that he is ahead in many parts of Québec, that means that people are going to vote for him.
ChooChoo, he probably does, some rich multi-nationals, but then again don't they all?
Hagel, don't we all wish?

Tai said...

Bah...they are all crooks and liars, everyone last one of them.
(And the ones that aren't? They will be soon.)