Sunday, October 30, 2011

Where my roots are.

We've lived in Montréal for the last 25 years yet Québec is still the city that feels the most like home. I guess its the fact that my roots are there and my ancestors have been there since the late 17th century. So this weekend,  Mrs. BB and I went to visit my family in Québec City and it just felt like coming home. It is a strange feeling. I am an airforce brat and as I was growing up we moved around from place to place. Then, when I was a 17,  I moved to Québec City to go to college and as I got off the bus, for the first time in my life, I felt like I was coming home to where my roots were. Even today after 25 years I still, in my heart of hearts, consider Québec to be home. I'll probably never live there again since my life and family are all here in Montréal , but Québec will always be home. Here are some pictures of "Le Vieux Québec"

Vieux Québec 3

Vieux Québec 5

Vieux Québec 10

Vieux Québec 14

Vieux Québec 17


Vieux Québec 23

Vieux Québec 24

Vieux Québec 25

Vieux Québec 26

Vieux Québec 28

Vieux Québec 30

Friday, October 28, 2011

Automne in Québec

The weather has been pretty sh***y these last few weeks but today was the perfect autumn day with bright sunlight and cool temperatures around 6 degrees celsius. The perfect fall day, so Mrs. BB and I decided to go walking in the Cap St-Jacques regional park and take in the nice weather while it lasts. Here are a couple of pictures that I took while walking on the trails.

Cap St Jacques 3

Cap St Jacques 4


Cap St Jacques 5

Cap St Jacques 11

Cap St Jacques 13

Cap St Jacques 20

Cap St Jacques 23


Cap St Jacques 28

Cap St Jacques 31

Cap St Jacques 26

Cap St Jacques 34

Cap St Jacques 36


Saturday, October 22, 2011

It must be silly season

Well for we citizens of the GWN (Great White North) looking at American politics is always an interesting and rather humorous exercise as well as being somewhat frightening.

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First of all you have Michele Bachmann who said during the Republican debates that the countries that the US "liberated" should pay for their "liberation". I'm sure that the Iraqis really appreciated being liberated (read invaded) after 100000 civilians dead and four million displaced, as well as having their infrastructure destroyed and their standard of living crushed. First of all they never asked to be invaded and then occupied for the next nine years and I'm sure a lot of them that lost family and friends would love to payback the US although I'm not sure the US would like the payback. Now Ms. Bachman has a right to her opinion but there really should be an intelligence test to become President of t he United States.

Rick Perry with gun

The next person that caught my attention was Rick Perry who believes that it is the United Sates' god given right to rule the world. He also believes that the economic recession was god's punishment for not being good christians. He also doesn't believe in evolution and really believes that god talks to him. Here in the GWN we have special places for people who hear voices telling them to do weird things. What really boggles the mind is that he was elected governor, but then again Texas also elected George W. Bush. (Who, by the way, seems a real genius beside this yahoo)


Here in the GWN, we are also not exempt from political weirdness. We have the Honourable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Labour, who wants to change the labour code so that the economy becomes an essential service, which would in effect take away pretty much everyone's right to strike, letting companies pretty much do what they want…. Somehow coming from the conservatives this doesn't surprise me, but what does surprise me is that the same workers elected them in the first place.


Sunday, October 09, 2011

Indian summer

Up here in the Great White North we are having Thanksgiving weekend... yeah I know it's really early but what can we do. It also happens to be the last hurrah of summer, Indian summer, with beautiful sunny warm days that are almost 10 degrees celsius above normal. I've been getting in as much biking as I can while it lasts because after this weekend biking will be pretty much finished unless I dress up like an eskimo. As I was biking I took a couple of pictures around the West Island (the western end of Montreal Island is always called the West Island. It's the suburbs mixed with some woodlands and fields. Rather strange when you consider that the rest of the island is high density city. )


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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Macintosh and Steve remembered

I am writing this on my current Mac a Macbook Pro, which is my seventh Mac dating back to the 80's and the first Mac 512K I owned. I still remember the wonder as I played with MacPaint and MacWrite on the first Macintosh 128K at a Montreal computer store. I was seduced, I could finally make up my teaching notes with diagrams without cutting and pasting the diagrams onto the printed page. In those days cut 'n paste meant just that, you printed out the text leaving enough room for the diagram (a pain in the ass since the text on the screen was really not WYSIWYG so it was very hit or miss), then photocopied the diagram, then cut it out with scissors and pasted it with a pot of glue. Finally you photocopied the resulting mess. If you had a diagram heavy page such an algebra exam, well, let's just say it was labour intensive. When I finally got together the wherewithall to buy a computer, I went off and got myself one of the first 512K Macs. (I'll always remember the first time I opened the case of my first Mac and saw the autographs of all the people who had worked on the project etched into the inside of the case, now that's pride.) I've never looked back since then and I have always used Apple products, never regretting it. Who do I have to thank for that? Well, in a large measure, Steve Jobs. He was the man behind the dream and he made it happen.Todays computers, be they Macs or PC's can thank him for it, for without his dream of a computer for the rest of us, I'm pretty sure that Windows, mice and the GUI would probably not exist or would be much less sophisticated than they are today.

Steve Jobs was a man that had a dream and he wasn't afraid to follow his dream wherever it lead him. He was a visionary who changed how modern computing and communications work in our world and he probably had great fun doing it. Here is what he said at the 2005 Stanford Commencement. I think it pretty much sums it up.

Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Read more:

In 1987 Steve said that he wanted to put a ding in the universe. Well Steve I think that you finally put more than a ding, more like a bloody big dent... RIP and my condolences to the family you loved.

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Saturday, October 01, 2011

Oops, Beijing we have a problem.

Oops... Beijing, we have a problem...

File this one under "Major Fail".

The Chinese Central Television's telecast of the launch of the Tiangong-1 space station was impeccably done except for one small flaw. The launch was backed up with the stirring music of... wait for it... America The Beautiful. Hmmm I think I know where the producers of this show will be spending their next vacations...

The link is for the article on the The Guardians web site  and it includes a video clip of the blunder...

Rocket's red glaring error: China sets space launch to America the Beautiful | Science | The Guardian: ""
