Tuesday, August 03, 2010

The rise and fall

In the last few weeks we have visited French towns that contained Roman ruins. Many of these towns were built upon the remains of the city that existed before. As I was gazing at the ruins I wondered what it must have been like for the people 200 years after the fall of the Roman Empire to see these magnificent ruins and to know that their civilization had slipped so far back. They could no longer maintain or repair the infrastructures that their ancestors had left them. The Romans had running water, a good sewage system, fine public buildings, public baths with central heating, a road system second to none and now there was nothing but ruins that were cannibalized for the blocks of stone to build their much reduced town.
Our civilization has always progressed for the last 1500 years. Yes there have been some ups and downs but each generation built upon what the last had done and our civilization has always gone forwards. So we really don’t know what it must have been like for them to see all these things that they no longer had. Mind you, they were probably so busy just trying to survive that they just didn’t care about it and the thought never even crossed their mind.


Jazz said...

Yeah, I guess when you don't know where your next meal is coming from, the ruins are the least of your worries.

Mr. Jazz said...

As long as they had pasta, they didn't really give a schmoot.

secret agent woman said...

I visited some Roman ruins in Switzerland - interesting to think about how wide-spread that Empire was.

Dr. Deb said...

Fab photos. I am way jealous of your adventures!

choochoo said...

The romans had all sorts of fancy stuff. What they didn't have, however, was fancy exercise outfits. Not even for the olympics. Tsk, tsk.

Big Brother said...

Jazz: yep survival does that to you.
Mr Jazz: Wonder if they had pasta in those days.
SAW: What I find remarkable is thAt they linked the empire from one end to the other with super roads that were used for a thousand years after be fall.
Dr. Deb: thanks :o)
Chocho: Yeah but their athletes competed naked in the Olympics.

geewits said...

Your brain has obviously been overly taxed by all this history. You probably need to come home.