Friday, August 21, 2009

Renovations anyone?

I haven't been posting since coming back from vacation since we've been doing renovations in the basement. We used to have burnt orange carpeting in the basement and since we don't like carpeting we finally decided to got rid of it and put down flooring instead. So I ripped up the old carpet, and what a mess. No matter how much you clean it it is a real dirt magnet. I had to cut it up into smaller pieces so the garbage would pick it up. I was covered in dust when I finished. Then we put down the under flooring that insulates and has a vapour barrier. Then I started laying out the floor which went well. You lind of get into a routine, lay out the boards, measure, and cut. Then hook the whole line into already finished floor.
What takes up an enormous amount of time isn't the project itself but putting on the finishing touches such as the baseboards etc. When I finally finished the floor there were two packages of floor boards left, so being the frugal person that I am, I decided to do the landing between the first floor, the garage floor and the basement since it was covered in old orange cushion floor (linoleum). When that was finished and still having some flooring I finished off the stairs also.
So now, everything is done and cleaned up and I start school next week. I had estimated that it would take me about a week to do the basement and it turned out taking me 2.5 weeks instead. There must be a Murphy's law in there somewhere.


secret agent woman said...

That's a very cozy finished basement. The fireplace is a good idea, since I'm sure it gets pretty chilly in the winter there.

geewits said...

Good job! And yes, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING takes longer than you expect. And the few things that take less time than you expect? Well then you waste all the time you saved doing that project going around and telling people how much time you saved.

Jazz said...

Wow. It beats the hell out of that nasty carpet you had...

Good luck with getting back into the work groove.

choochoo said...

Nasty carpet? Are there pics of the nastyness? Cause I wanna see the nasty carpet. Nyahaha.