Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Let the bells ring and the banners fly...

Let the bells ring and the banners fly, I'm done, I'm finally done. All my orals, compositions and exams are finished, corrected and the marks finally entered into the school's data base... and all that despite the fact that they cut off two days from the deadline about two weeks before the end. So much for planning. So unless there is a f**k up at their end, my endless days of correction are finished. Yahooo!


Jazz said...

Let the games begin!!!

What exotic locale have you set your sights on this year, brother mine?

secret agent woman said...

Yay!! Now relax and enjoy your summer!

geewits said...

Enjoy your break. Any more remodeling on your schedule?

Big Brother said...

Lil sister: we're keeping quiet this summer, probably going to the Charlevoix to get in some hiking and fresh air.
SAW: definitely. I'll see if I can get in more than the 1000 km I did last summer on my bike, spend time with my sweetheart, drink my coffee in the morning on my patio whilst reading a good book. Summer will be too short as usual.
Geewits: a couple of small things to do like paint the deck and things like that, nothing major.