Monday, August 11, 2008

Do you like swedish?

Came across this blog for any of you DIY'ers (do it yourself, that's what they call it in England). If you like Ikea hex keys and like modifying things to suit your needs, the Ikea Hacker blog is just the thing for you. It is probably put up by Ikea, but it is fun to see what people are able to do with a bit of ingenuity.


Dr. Deb said...

Good to know. The older I get, though, the less I want to Do It Myself!

Jazz said...

Obviously set up by Ikea. But that knife magnet thing on the fridge? It's fekking brilliant. I've been wanting a magnetic knife rack for the longest time and didn't have any space for it...

Ian Lidster said...

Must check that out.

Jazz said...

Yo, Bro! There's an award for you at my blog.