Monday, February 06, 2006

I think the whole world has seen and heard about the cartoon issue. All I can say is that I find it extremely ironic that by protesting the "blasphemy" with violence, arson, and death threats, they are giving credibility to what would otherwise be an exercise in bad taste. Laughing at another man's religion may be in very bad taste but it certainly doesn't deserve the violence, hate and threats that it has engendered. Obviously religion just does not seem to have much of a sense of humour, I guess it comes from taking yourself too seriously.
In another twist of the weird, how do you like our new Prime Minister’s spanking new cabinet. Not too bad, for a new style politician, who is going to change the nature of politics. He named a turn-coat liberal to his cabinet (remember the big kafuffle about Belinda?) and he made one of his political cronies a senator (remember the TRIPLE “E” senate, efficient, equal and “tadah” ELECTED) and then named him to his cabinet without his ever seeing the inside of a ballot box. The more it changes the more it is the same old, same old… and they wonder why people are cynical about politics.

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